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2 min read
Defining Innovation
Innovation isn’t just about creating something new—it’s about creating something transformative.

0 min read
The Emergence Of Creative Intelligence
The Emergence Of Creative Intelligence Infographic

3 min read
Change Is An Overhyped Disorder
Our society is over obsessed with change. This is almost to the point where we have created a near fantasy about how change may actually tra

3 min read
What Is Creation
Can creation be defined? To ‘define’ something means to specify, to end, to conclude. The process of creation which is essentially the...

7 min read
Innovation and Leadership
Both these words, innovation and leadership, are positive things that most of us want more of. However they both defy any definition.

1 min read
Story Power
A story doesn’t have to be confined to fiction alone. In fact, we tell stories every single day. How we see the past, how we envision the fu

1 min read
What Do Leaders Need To Succeed At Creating A Transformative Company
Leaders need to demonstrate four behaviours to maximise the chance that Transformation will succeed.

2 min read
People feel important when their calendars are filled, meetings are waitlisted, and their time goes in running from pillar to post.

3 min read
Don’t have to compete. Try creating.
Disrupt this. Disrupt that. This seems to be today’s mantra. Of course its a great way to capture markets. But, when you focus on disruption

4 min read
Every Creative Idea Is A Conflicting Story
Creativity is often found in conflict within and without. Struggle is a sign that you're moving towards something better. Every failure tell

2 min read
Ambition Management System
Performance management systems completely overlook the role ambition plays in performance and makes a dangerous assumption that results need

7 min read
Systems Redefined
ITS NOT ABOUT THE SYSTEM. You can have any number of hi-tech, advanced and technically evolved mechanisms. IT IS ABOUT YOUR ATTITUDE to the

7 min read
Innovate or Perish
This is about building an overall mechanism and culture for innovation. You might use some and you might discard some. I’ll tell you one thi

3 min read
What Disruption Really Means
Disruption is one of the most popular words in business today. What dos it mean? Should you even care? Does success require you to disrupt?

3 min read
What is Creation?
The process of creation which is essentially the birth of the new would surely be defeated if it were to be defined. Definition is the end.

4 min read
Mahatma Gandhi Rides First Class
I was recently reading Mahatama Gandhi's autobiography, The Story Of My Experiments With Truth.
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