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From the desk of Dr. Chetan Walia
Leeds, United Kingdom

If you would like to have your B2B products or services, consulting, or coaching, sell like crazy then I am about to share the most incredible method to do so. 

This method has a success rate of over 90%, tt closes clients without having to sell and does through simply telling some amazing stories within the presentation.

You can use this online, or in-person, during events or even webinars.


 I’ll show you in a minute.


Recent Success Stories

Results achieved by independent consultants or smaller firms.

200% Increase in the first month.

Glenn, an image consulting business in Australia

"Wow! Great ideas and concepts. I wasn't expecting so much value. Much appreciated. the value stacking approach is killing it."

18 New Clients

David, an education consultant in UK

"I was feeling sceptical initially but it worked. We acquire 18 new schools as customers. It typically takes a year to close them. We did it in 2 months with this."

A Public Talk that sold 500 / 800 attendees

Richard, Investment consulting firm in USA

"I asked Chetan to write me a script for a public talk I was giving to a automobile community. 500 out of 800 attendees signed up for the consultation. The stories blew away everyone."

A Health Coach couldn't handle the volume

Piyush, Health and Wellness coach in Singapore

"I used the presentation first to fill a webinar, and then at the webinar with a cold audience. Everything crashed thereafter. We just couldn't handle the volume of people who got interested. This changed my life forever."

Why Is This Different?

This is dramatically different, and total opposite, of what you have ever seen in the name of a presentation. And it converts clients every time.

  • There are no fillers. 

  • There are no fluffs.

  • There is no boring stuff.

  • No outdated ABC method stuff.

There are Stories. 




And A Wonderful Ending


The Method Achieves 3 Things Very Quickly


Every buyer is looking for a reason to not take a decision. Stories break that preoccupation.

Overcomes Psychological Resistances

It opens the buyer's mind to possibilities through positive psychology rather than be rooted in doubt..

Differentiates You From
The Rest

The method communicates to the buyer that you are different, unique, and have something new to offer.

It immediately gets down to adding value, does it humorously and hits people hard. They always want more at the end of it.

The presentations are  easy to watch. They are engaging. They are written to develop insights and add value to the receiver.

The presentations are  easy to watch. They are engaging. They are written to develop insights and add value to the receiver.

They instantly get full attention from the buyer.

They instantly break preoccupation.

They establish your innovative quotient.

They constantly increase desire.

Every Presentation We Do Combines Three Elements

1. A Narrative Flow

An Incident,

A Protagonist,



Denouncement ... 

This gets attention, overcomes resistance, and induces a positive psychology....


2. A Scientific Framework

The intrigue of a story validated by a latest scientific discovery or management principles.

This communicates knowledge, builds trust, and establishes superiority (over competition). 


3. Insights Activated

Collectively this leads to an AHA! experience. The client gets some learning, some reflections, and some insights into things they haven't thought about.

This leads to perceptions of uniqueness and makes closures simple.


We Typically Create 3 Unique Yet Interactive Versions For Our Clients


for your webpage
3-5 Min


for your online calls


for your sales meetings or webinars
45 - 60 Min

Exactly What You Will Get & What This Means For Your Business

NOVELTY: No One Among Your Competitors Have A Method Like This.



Everyone thinks presentation is slides and you have to sell.


What this presentation does is just demonstrate value.


All you have to do is basically “record this" and emulate the exact way I would have narrated this. AND you might dominate your marketplace in a matter of days using this one simple method. 


You won't have to sell because Clients will want to buy.

BREAKTHROUGH TACTIC for gaining TRUST with your CLIENTS is to establish differentiation, superiority, and value add upfront.

Businesses do not always manage to do this. 

This method hands this to you on a platter.

✓ The Secret to success of every high paid speaker — STORYTELLING!!. The method is all stories one after another stacked up.

The listener is glued in like a monkey staring at a banana.

 It’s highly intelligent stuff. Within the stories the presentation gives solid insights and methods to create possibilities related to your field. It is literally presenting a system to clients to be amazingly successful.

 There's an amazing psychological effect that makes people CHOOSE YOU OVER ANYONE ELSE — this is something that tells them that working with you will lead to ideas that will make them ‘LOOK INTELLIGENT AND GOOD’. The presentation demonstrates that subconsciously in great measure.

This Alone Helped my company out price our competition by 3-10X

 Once we apply the method — we simply pitch in your own offering — or do it pre presentation — In any case this will convert the client for you because this is the ultimate Sales Gate you can lay hands on.

What Everyone Knows is Mostly Wrong

You Will Not Need Selling Tactics. 

You Will Not Even Need Fancy Proposals.  

You Will Not Hear, “We’ll Get Back To You.”  


Because you are 

breaking the pattern, 

breaking preoccupation, and 

generating frame control in your favour.

PLUS, you will also learn and discover...

✓ How to position yourself as Celebrity Value?

✓ How to plant seeds for CREATING DEMAND because clients see this as something they really want.

✓ The easiest way to differentiate for what you're selling and charge premiums over the competition.

✓ Psychological positioning triggers that make you magnetic to the buyers. They don't want this to stop.

and that's not all....

This Always Makes It A No Brainer For A Client

When You Finish This Presentation - You Will Have This Look On Your Client’s Face which screams, “JUST TELL ME WHAT’S NEXT”

SO you subtly present the next steps (VERY BRIEFLY)

Present the mechanics (prices, schedule, etc)



Stay Quiet.  


Yes Silent.  




Because They Will ALWAYS say YES

Look. I must confess something.

I don't like selling.

Yes! it's odd that I am writing this entire page on how your business can sell more, and yet I don't like it myself.

Don't get me wrong. In the very traditional sense - I don't like it.

And that is precisely the reason why I invented this method.

So that I don't have to sell.


The Method Converts The Entire Sales Process To The Customer Buying

✓ By captivating attention.

By showing possibilities.

Through stories, anecdotes, and engagement.

✓  Also through humour and wit.

Also through an exercise or two that intrigues.

By breaking patterns of thinking.

It's all about the narrative

We disrupt status-quo and build that for you.

That's How It Converts The Entire Sales Process To The Customer Buying, Wanting To Buy, Wanting More of You, Rather Than You Attempting To Sell. And In This Process.....

Selling Becomes Incidental

In the B2B world we mould business into storytelling - then this method ensures that you will succeed. It creates the hunger, it has the novelty factor, and clients always are impressed and want more. They become buyers. You don't even have to sell anymore because

This Is A Proven Method For Turning Leads Into Raving Fans Who Buy From You Over And Over Again


There are only EVER two reasons people don’t buy stuff.

1- They do not want what you have. 

2- They do not trust you.

That’s it. 


Don’t complicate life.  


This presentation does two things very effectively. 

1- Clients want more. 

2-They want you.

But how do you turn a complete stranger into a raving fan who chooses YOU over everybody else ...over and over again?

There Is A System For It

People Buy Your Promise

Not Your Product or Service

Your clients only realise the worth of your service or product after they buy.


So they don't really make a buying decision on the benefit of your end product.


They make their decision based on the perception of that benefit.


And that perception is a 'make or break' moment demonstrated by the quality of your  interaction or presentation.


And what I am offering here today is the ability to create and plant in their minds - the highest level of perception and anticipation.


Of course your product or service needs to be good to sustain your business. But your sales methods make or break your business much before the client meets the product !!  


This method hits the bullseye every time and it's like a ...

Large Clients Success Stories

Results achieved by some of the big sized companies.

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From #13 to #3

" Chetan is undoubtedly the very best expert in this area I have interacted with He is understated, very very passionate, committed and result oriented. With Chetan besides you - any mountain can be surpassed."

Sandy Vij, CEO


200% Sales Growth and 18% Gross Margin Growth

"Chetan Walia is a genuine and committed person who is very straightforward in expressing his views without sugar coating. I strongly recommend Chetan for anything sales."

Viju, P, CEO


12 Months Target in 8

"For us, this was a resounding success. Dr. Walia is very articulate, and his content is well researched. It was a real profit booster to do this."

Natalie, R. VP Sales

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 7.14.19 PM.png

Beat Every Sales Projection for 4 Quarters

"I have been astonished at the results. The sales guys took to this like fish in the pond - and they outperformed all quotas for 4 quarters in a row."

Joy, M. CEO

A Personal Guarantee

I 100% Guarantee you'll love what we create for you and in fact we'll do much more business together in the coming months and years.

In the highly unlikely event that you don't like what we have created for you - don't take and don't pay. 

I am here to begin a new relationship with you and I will build it on utmost trust and respect.

Here's What To Do Next

Book A Call With Me using the calendar link below.

Book only if you are a B2B business, already doing sales, and not any other kind of business. You could be selling products, services, consulting, or coaching.

Before our call...

I would reviewed your stuff through your website and online.

And I would have shared a presentation that you can watch too.

So on our first call

I would already add value (no fee) by giving you a quick mini-audit of how you can do more. You may do this yourself too. No pressure or compulsion.

Plus I'll explain to you how our process works and how we go about creating these presentations for you.

If we decide that we can add value to your business, then

The 2nd call will be a Q&A with you for us to begin.

On the third call we'll present the narrative and structure.

✓ Then we write, script, and demo record your presentations.

✓ On the fourth call, it's all yours (we do the iterations for as long as it is needed).

The process is milestones based and you don't have to pay large up front fees

We make it super easy, trustable, and reliable.

You must already be in business and profitable, have a legit website, product, something… I won’t do startups or people who are starting out. You must have the basics in place.

Plug and Play Sales Machine

My clients have been able to rapidly scale through this method.

Typical results are seen within the first month. Clients easily double or even quadruple their closure rates.

Whether you sell yourself, have a team, or have closers, this is designed to increase everyones effectiveness.

Plus, I'll show you how it opens tremendous other possibilities for you, like presenting at events or webinars or business forums. The content you will have is powerful and works everywhere.

Because you aren't selling. You are engaging through stories.

What Will This Cost You

Well it depends!!

On how much we have to do and what kind of a business are you...

It can be anywhere between $1997 - $9997

Again depends on what you are selling and your ticket sizes. This could be more or less.

BUT - We Guarantee You Recover This in One Sale or 10X in One Event.

Warning - Time is a factor

I don't work with too many clients at a time for this. It takes a lot of personal time to invest  in creating these to be able to rpovide you with results that are truly 10X and more.

Therefore it is impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people.

Yes what i am offering you will 100% outperform anything you have ever done to sell your products or services. Guaranteed.

This page and this opportunity may not be open for long.

If you feel this may work for you and you are fine to have a no obligation first meeting, then schedule the call here and let's speak.

Regardless of your decision - I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to knowing you soon.

Chetan Walia

Phd. Chartered FCIPD



In Business Strategy and Creativity


Top 100 Educators

Top 50 Thought Leaders


Published 10 Books

Accredited for Scholarly Research 


Advisor to over 200 leading companies in the world

P.S. We have done this for 24 years for some of the best companies on Earth. A bit about me and my clients is at the end of this page.

P.S.S. In case you are one of those who quickly go to the end to see the conclusion (I do that !!), here is my offer.

I'm offering to create for you a sales method and presentation using my unique story telling method -  that converts any client into buying your services without hesitation and at premium pricing. One meeting. That's it. Guaranteed.

It will take us 3-4 meetings to get this done and you can be up and running within 2 weeks.

This will outperform any sales asset you have.

I can only work with a handful of people so time is of essense.

The start point is a no obligation call with me.

Schedule Here


Dr. Chetan Walia is a recognised consultant, accomplished scholar, published author, and an award winning educator.

He has been the master mentor for ultra-successful entrepreneurs and achievers including CEOs of companies such as Amex, DDB, EY, Johnson, PWC, Sanofi, Seimens, Suzuki, Toyota, and about 200 others.


In the Business of Breakthroughs for over 24 years.

PhD in Business Strategy and Innovation.

 Published by 3 of Top-5 Publishers in the world.

 Helped over 200 clients with their business and has generated over $3B dollars in wealth creation for clients.

 Chartered FCIPD - highest people qualification.

Published By:

Some Clients:

Dr. Chetan Walia


© 2024 Knewledge Limited. All Rights Reserved.

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H9JQ

We design storytelling presentations that closes clients without having to sell.


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