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How To Write A Book

The three ways writing a book will change your life:

  1. Becoming an author is the fastest way to gain credibility

  2. It’s a great opportunity to write about something meaningful to you

  3. You can improve the lives of others

So why don’t more people start writing?


We believe the reason so many aspiring authors struggle to write and publish their books is simple.

They don’t have the right guide… or perhaps any direction for that matter.


That’s what separates them from authors who enjoy lots of time on best-selling lists.


Can you imagine how many books we’d get to enjoy if that 81% of people had access to a proven process?


Could it really be that simple?

For most people, writing and publishing a book may seem like an insurmountable task.

However, just like any other seemingly insurmountable task that others have accomplished, the journey from start to finish is best handled one step at a time.


When you have a system that breaks down every step, you simply need to focus on it bit-by-bit until you have a finished project.


In this TOOL:


We are going to break down the steps for how to start writing a book, how to create a book that will actually sell, and how to get a book published. Follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a published author.

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