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White Space Business Model

The new age business model have some great success stories to narrate. They have created billions of dollars in valuation for start up companies. Here’s a dilemma that is faced by established corporations - Can they really use these models to create business transformation? This book  presents a business model solution for established companies to capture the White Spaces

Surpass Your Aspirations

These are from Chetan's early writings. Each chapter is based on some personal experience and the

realization resulting from it. Each chapter is an account of a personal

discovery. The topic under discussion may be sales, or leadership, or

even politics. However, the realization goes beyond these subjects

and has a bearing on our everyday lives. Each essay presents an

opportunity for change, for something different, for a breakthrough.

Rethink Thinking

"I have often found that we have insights and realize the presence

of opportunities and patterns, but hesitate or forget to act on

them and make a change. Hence, the breakthrough does not take place. The few who do make the change and as a result, move closer to living a fuller life, are the ones whom I term

‘breakthroughers’. I have realized that the difference between a

breakthrougher and you or me is simply the element of ‘action’,

and not ‘realization’."

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A Message From Chetan

Books are important. And I am including here three of my books that I personally believe has immense value to shape your mind and outcomes. I am happy to buy you a digital copy of this just like that. You are welcome to download and print them for your own personal use. 

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