Plus: For A Limited Time Only
A 1-1 Session Post You Have Watched The Course
To answer all your questions, help you ace this and / or to help you in your coaching business (worth over $1500 in value - FREE for you today).
You'll be able to book this from within the platform anytime.
Do You Find Your Clients Feeling As if They
Dread work?
Feeling uninspired?
Stuck in a meaningless job?
Not realizing their full potential?
Wish they could get paid to do what they love?
Not sure how to turn their passion into a career?
Stop tolerating bullshit.
Stop wasting their life.
These Are Symptoms of Effort.
Effort to Focus
Effort to Find Meaning
Effort to Survive
Effort to Find Love
Effort to Fight for Appreciation.
You can help them find their life's purpose in 3 sessions.
Become A Creative Force!
3-Session-Life-Purpose-Method, focused on you delivering a breakthrough every time.

Discover your life purpose in a very short space of time.
Meaningful work.
Live your being.
Creative control.
Live with freedom and not compulsion.
Arrive at a place of silence where you no longer have to keep searching.
Transform yourself.
Become a leader.
Self lasting motivation.
What People Say
Trusted by the best of achievers.
Ricky Kej
3X Grammy Winner

Chetan's methods are highly creative and effective. The brilliant framework simplifies and ignites breakthroughs at every level. It challenges high achievers to go beyond their wildest dreams, pause, reflect, and chase and achieve even higher goals. You come to appreciate what it truly means to be brilliant.
Veerle Behets
CEO Leaseplan

This was an eyeopener. Dr. CW's methods are extremely powerful and it takes you on a beautiful journey of belief, and vision.
Dr. Jörg Matthias Großman
CFO Freudenberg

Chetan Walia is a genuine and committed person who is very straightforward in expressing his views without sugar coating. This is in spite of his being sensitive and very aware of the feelings and views of those around him, hence more admirable than if it came out of ignorance. He knows his subject well and delivers as promised. He is an excellent coach. I strongly recommend Chetan for any assignment he feels he can carry out well.
Jinnia Low
Kickboxing Coach

Brilliant method that helped me think differently about my life purpose and arrive at a concrete expression of my being. The intelligence behind the framework and process brought an answer quickly once I did the work to complete the healing cycle. The long part for me was completing but once I did, it was wonderful. Thank you Dr. Chetan for creating this concise, effective way to help folks like myself and those with whom I am planning to use this.

Dr. Chetan Walia
✓ PhD. Chartered FCIPD
✓ Published by Top Publishers
✓ Over 25K hours of coaching
✓ Trusted by Top performers, Academicians, Psychologists
✓ Empirically Validated
Hello, I'm Chetan
Over 25 years, I have helped the best of people discover purpose and passion.
Indulge me for a moment in a little visualisation.
Imagine you are on your way to the top of a mountain 10,000 feet above the ground. As you gaze at the city filled with millions beneath you, you see a sea of people caught in routines, content with the ordinary.
Life up here is simple.
Up here it's serene, it's calm, and there is complete silence.
You are one with nature. It’s you, and the mountain in front of you.
You either continue to climb up to the top or you join the noise and disquiet down there.
Your path is full of people screaming that you can’t do this…But every step you take, your inner voice whispers, “Yes, I Can…”
People below don’t believe in you or in themselves…
But you are not people…
I believe in you. And I believe you can go all the way to the top…
And live life with purpose and passion, like you were meant to be.
Why This Approach Is Unique
At The Workshop, You WILL 100% Discover Your Life's Purpose and True Calling.
Your Passion is Not Your Life Purpose
It's Not About Discovering Why
It's Not About Strengths
It's Not Even About Meaning
We are human beings, not human doings. We must focus on being....
A Vital Psychological Principle For Discovering Life Purpose

Focus, Passion, Meaning Doesn't Lead To Purpose. But Purpose Effortlessly Leads To Finding Focus, Passion, Meaning, And Balance.
Here's how the life purpose method works
#1 – Take clients through a Framework Depicting Inevitability of Conflicts in Life:
I’ll show you and explain to you in detail how to very simply explain to clients through four key stages of our growth and development - i.e., Early Cognition, Success Definitions, Value Perceptions, and Self-Worth, we are taught and comprehend reality in a way that Conflicts (internal) become inevitable.

#2 – Finding Occupation and Crafting Relevance
Then I'll show you and you'll be able to show to your clients how this conflict mechanism leads us to finding occupation and self-relevance, or doing things right from the very beginning. All our 'doing' - work wise or any other thing that we occupy ourselves with (including thoughts) can be linked to and explained through polarities in #1.

#3 – The Doing Cycle has inbuilt Incompletions
Then I'll take you through the method and exercise with your clients that will lead them to create linkages between their occupations (doing cycle) and related incompletions where the doing-cycle started from.

#4 – Making the Incomplete Complete
The second exercise will see clients very simply completing the incomplete emotional states. Once this happens, the doing cycle is temporarily broken, and 2-Step method that you will deploy - will now lead them to discovery of their life purpose. Guaranteed.

Course curriculum

Plus: Don't Miss This Invaluable Offer
1-1 Session Worth Over $1500 - FREE
To answer all your questions, help you ace this and / or to help you in your coaching business (worth over $1500 in value - FREE for you today).
You'll be able to book this from within the platform anytime.
And in these conversations, dsicussions, experiences, and reflections, your cleints learn...
How to overcome your incompletions is a very short time.
How to experience your true calling in life.
Articulate your life's purpose and know how you'll use it here on.
How to reignite the spark in your life through discoveries of your most innate passions.
How to make your life and relationships more fulfilling and meaningful.
How to find inner peace and contentment.

Exactly What You Get

🔺Step-By-Step Instructions to Create a 3-Session Breakthrough.
Exactly what to say, when to say, and how to say.
🔺Exercises with Compete Examples that make it totally easy for you.
Exactly when to introduce the exercises and what examples to give to lead clients to answer in the way you want it done.
🔺 All Slides + Written Instructions + Script that you need to do this with success every single time.
I have included every minute detail that ensures success every single time.
🔺 Q&A Access.
Even then if you get stuck ask your question and receive instant answers anytime.
🔺PLUS How to Sell This
⍟ An authentic life purpose
⍟ A vision for your life
⍟ Accurate understanding of your top desires, values, passions, and strengths
⍟ Awareness of your deepest fears, limiting beliefs, and obstacles
⍟ A roadmap for how to stay on purpose and live with passion
⍟ Motivation to change your life
⍟ Answers to most questions that evade you currently
⍟ Incredible insights into many other areas of your life
And These Bonuses For You
Bonus #1 - Life Purpose 2nd Approach.
$197 value
I give you 'one-more-approach' to discovering Life Purpose. This is extremely useful and powerful in group sessions, and works equally well for 1-1. This approach is a stand alone team-session or 1-1 session in itself.
Bonus #2 - Email Templates
$99 value
I send these four emails and am able to get booked out within days. You can easily customise these emails and use them for your own business.
Bonus #3 - One Page Proposal Template
$50 value
A ONE-PAGE Template I use to introduce this to my corporate clients for a group coaching / training session.
Bonus #4 - Zoom Recording
$200 value
Lifetime zoom calls and zoom calls recording access.
Bonus #5 - Q&A Access
Peace of mind
Ask Questions Anytime on mail or Whatsapp
Bonus #6 - Application of Relationship Breakthrough Session
$197 value
Same Methodology. Another Product for Relationship Coaching

What Kind Of Clients Can You Expect
I have had clients from all walks of life, for example...
⍟ Entrepreneurs, aspiring and established
⍟ Senior Executives
⍟ CEOs
⍟ Aspiring Leaders & Politicians
⍟ Professional Sportspersons
⍟ Artists, Musicians, Actors
⍟ Academicians
⍟ Coaches and Consultants
⍟ Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, and Other Independent Professionals
⍟ Stay-at-home-mom's re-entering the workforce
⍟ Couples, and families, jointly.
Amazing 10X Value In Your Hands
Build A Signature Showstopper Session
This session will get you your most positive feedback ever. Clients love this breakthrough.
This isn't just a session as you will see. You will be clearer than ever about your own purpose in life.
Your clients will hold you at the highest esteem and status post this.
I am giving you everything you need - not just doing the session, but also selling it.
I designed this session because
83% of adults really struggle with this question of life purpose and only 5% find it.
Over 80% of clients expect this guidance from a coach.
Less than 1% of coaches have a proven method for guiding clients to their life purpose.
Therefore it adds tremendous credibility to a coach who can add this value to their client.
And clients go on to become clients for life, with insane amount of referrals.
I have done this for clients (my clients tend to be top leaders and managers) for over 20 years - It's Always Worked.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I want you to have absolute confidence this is the right decision for you, which is why I’m offering a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.
If you’re not completely satisfied with this training, and if you feel like you didn’t receive any valuable information, or insights, …then you can email my support team at chetan@chetanwalia.com after the workshop for a full, no-hassle refund.