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Are You A $20M+ Business?

Dr. Chetan Walia is the go-to person that people use for business breakthroughs. Find out how he can help you double profits, find hidden growth opportunities, develop new profit centers, and scale faster (with less downside risk) than anyone else in the world.

Dr. Chetan Walia's Methods, Knowledge Creation, And Teachings Have Been Featured In and Published By....

Tom Twining, ARR

Mind blowing framework with astonishing results.

S. Vij, CEO

Chetan is undoubtedly the very best leadership development expert I have interacted with He is understated, very very passionate, committed and result oriented. With Chetan besides you - any mountain can be surpassed.

A. Ranjan, Executive Director

Chetan is an extraordinary Leadership Coach. Chetan is truly qualified to propagate breakthrough thinking by people and businesses as he follows the same in letter and spirit in his own business. Very, very inspiring.

So Who Is Chetan Walia


Dr. Chetan Walia has authored over ten books. He has also contributed to peer reviewed management journals. There are hundreds of citations to his work. He has been published by 3 of Top-5 publishers in the world.


Chetan has been awarded as Top Educator, Outstanding leader, and as Top Thought Leader. He is a PhD in business and management. He also holds a Chartered FCIPD credence.

Trusted Advisor

He is a trusted advisor and strategist fo some of the leading companies in the world. 

Dave Richardson, Sector Leader

Chetan is a brilliant leader with real experience. He took me and my colleagues on emotional journeys that we didn't expect. I am profoundly affected by the authenticity of the coach and his courage to go there.

Joy M., CEO

Chetan was my executive coach and he helped me exceed my achievements. I overshot all my sales and P&L targets. Too Good.

D. Desai, Chairman

This makes us realise that brilliance shines through all the coverings to make a profound impact, and in that, solves the right problem. Fabulously crafted. A must for everyone in business.

Unique Way About Producing Growth


As a proven business leader, innovator, and “breakthrough creator” with enormous energy and vision, Chetan Walia has demonstrated the critical ability to stimulate true breakthrough thinking and execution throughout large and small organisations.

His “five vital areas of performance enhancement” include Strategy, Innovation, Leadership, Customer Acquisition and Knowledge Differentiators. He understands how to focus on the Upside Leverage within an organisation, while effectively controlling and minimising the downside risk.


If you don't know who Dr. Chetan Walia is, you might have heard about some of the companies he's helped to supercharge their profits and business growth.

Our Solutions For Business Growth

Sales Breakthroughs

We understand how to harness the power of 'Multipliers' in up to 100 separate impact points in your business to identify then mine, monetise and maximise hidden opportunities, assets (tangible and intangible), overlooked possibilities, under-performing activities/efforts, under-utilised relationships, distribution, alternative approaches that dramatically outperform what your competitor typically accepts.

Strategic Breakthroughs

Because of his direct experience with over 200 companies, with PhD level strategic research, and with the world’s largest and best publishers – Chetan understands a far higher spectrum of the options, opportunities, and performance enhancement possibilities available. Get in touch and explore - you will be blown away.

Competitive Advantages through Knowledge

While it is available abundantly today - Chetan's research proves that Knowledge can be the ultimate “impact lever” and CA that can and will have the most stunning positive effect on the marketplace you’re after. He assesses all the competitive concerns, both explicit and implicit, to formulate transformative/disruptive, and frequently incomparable business models, revenue approaches, marketing strategies.

More Results


CCD Scaled from 5 Cafes to 1000+


APC grew 321% Sales in the first few months of the program


A small co called VS Automation generated 19M in a PE Deal


A loss making publishing businesses turned around to be a premier digital marketing company

C. Jones,
Senior Leader

Let me share with you the goals that I had written when you were guiding me. As you had marked

in the training manual "Thoughts have no Logic" I wanted to be the President, I am made the

"President"from April this year. I wanted to achieve 200 tonnes, I have over shot the volumes. I

guess the ideas have originated from my subconscious mind, purely by giving "Auto suggestion"

and thinking this is fructified, though no logic of how I am going to do it, which was a herculean

task at that point of time.

Shelly, D.
Human Resource Leader

It has helped me unshackle my potential by simply looking within myself and

refining my thought processes. A simple and uncomplicated model without any jargon! The

increase in productivity and sharpened focus on the business meant achieving my goals in a

lesser time frame .

Natalie, R.

Me and a few of my colleagues signed up for the BAP and it was a resounding success. Dr. Walia is very articulate, his program content is superbly well researched and his exercises have long-lasting impact on the behavior of the participants. Dr. Walia is highly committed to the cause that he works for and it is a real pleasure to work with him. I believe this may really be the best program in the world.

Whatever competition, concerns, market challenges, or business models your organisation may be struggling with – we can figure out what will multiply your sales, increase your profits, and maximise your competitive market advantages.

If you're interested in finding out how Chetan + Team can help you drive growth in less time and with less effort, investment or risk than anyone you will meet, please get in touch to organise an initial consult.

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